Issue 2-3/2009  -  ISSN 1470-9570

Writing as a cognitive tool. Research across disciplines

Guest editor: Jens Loescher



Jens Loescher, Berlin (pages 1- 6)

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Section I:Facts, models, and methods: empirical writing research

Cognitive models of writing.

David Galbraith, Stoke-on-Trent (pages 7-22)

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This paper reviews models of the cognitive processes involved in writing. It sketches their development from an early emphasis on the thinking behind the text and the impact of cognitive overload on this, through more dynamic models emphasizing the interaction between thinking and text production processes, to more recent models emphasizing the constitutive role of text production in the development of the writer‟s thought. In the course of the review it considers the implications of these models for research on writing in L2. These include a consideration of (i) varying goals and genres in L1 and L2, (ii) the impact of linguistic fluency in L2 on higher level thinking processes, (iii) strategies for managing the writing process in L2, (iv) the maintenance of conceptual representations during text production in L2, and (v) the impact of L2 writing on the development of the writer‟s understanding during text production.

On-line tools for investigating writing strategies in L2.

Marie-Laure Barbier, Nicole Spinelli-Jullien, Aix en Provence (pages 23-40)

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The last two decades have witnessed increasing interest in written text production in a second language (L2). Research initially focused on factors affecting writers‟ performance, such as writing expertise and language skills, the aim being to analyse writing processes, strategies and transfer phenomena. More recently, studies have explored working memory constraints in L2 writing activities, looking at problems with the formulation process in particular and the orchestration of writing processes. Resource allocation is crucial, and studies of L2 writing should systematically take writers‟ working memory resources into account. So far, most of the researchers studying the resolution of L2 writing processes in real time have used interview and introspection methods, with the analysis of think-aloud protocols. Some have conducted chronometric analyses of text production (pauses and fluency), while others have used dual-task paradigms to measure the allocation of cognitive resources during L2 writing. This article provides an in-depth review of all these data, which are not always congruent, in order to enhance our understanding of how L2 writing strategies depend on working memory resources.

Keystroke logging in writing research. Observing writing processes with Inputlog.

Luuk Van Waes, Mariëlle Leijten, Antwerp & Daphne van Weijen, Utrecht (pages 41-64)

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Not only has the use of computers as writing instruments had a profound effect on writing practice and attitudes towards writing, it has also created new possibilities for research on writing. In the field of cognitive writing research especially, keystroke logging programs have become very popular. In this paper we describe a logging program called Inputlog. Inputlog 4 consists of four modules: (1) a data collection module that registers digital writing processes on a very detailed level; (2) a data analysis module that offers basic and more advanced analyses (e.g. pause and revision analysis); (3) an integration module that allows data merging between data files from different sources; (4) a play module that enables researchers to review and visualize a writing session including revisions.
In this paper we describe the main functional characteristics of Inputlog 4 and further explain its functionality by presenting three case studies from different research projects: (1) writing processes of novice and professional writers, (2) writing processes in L1 and L2, and (3) writing processes and learning styles.

Brain representations of writing

Rüdiger Seitz, Düsseldorf (pages 65-82)

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Functional neuroimaging has been used to map the brain structures involved in the execution and guidance of arm and hand movements during writing, in the learning of writing movements and in relation to the linguistic components of written speech production. It was shown that handwriting, like other visuospatial motor tasks, involves motor and premotor cortical areas as well as dorsal stream areas of sensory processing, including the superior parietal cortex. In addition, ventral stream areas such as the left parieto-temporo-occipital junction were activated in relation to visual word forms as were the left inferior frontal gyrus and left inferior parietal cortex in relation to the production of symbolic characters. The neural correlates of designing a coherent text and elaborating a text by re-iterative modification, however, remain topics for future research.

Read-out. A new component for writing models.

Jens Loescher, Berlin (pages 83-105)

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In this article I aim at making plausible an automatic decision mechanism which reads out competing lemmas/lexemes. This read-out mechanism is an important component of the recursive loops of writing and therefore a correlate of the monitor. Furthermore, I address some current discussions in writing research as to the costliness of writing, cognitive versus automatized „modules‟, and writing in L2. Finally, I turn to the possible assess-ment of writing processes in brain imaging.


Section II: Hard data, soft skill? Writing didactics

Die Didaktik des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens: Möglichkeiten der Umsetzung.

Gabriele Graefen, München (pages 106 – 128)

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Der Beitrag präsentiert didaktische Reflexionen zum Thema Vermittlung des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens in deutscher Sprache an ausländische Studierende. Er beschreibt Grundzüge eines Kurskonzepts, das seit einigen Jahren an der LMU in München eingesetzt wird. Darüber hinaus erklärt und illustriert er auch an exemplarischen Texten und Übungen, wie das dazu gehörige Lehrmaterial aufgebaut ist.

Probleme fremdsprachlicher Schreibpraxis im Fokus neuerer Spracherwerbsforschung.

Antonie Hornung, Modena/Zürich (pages 128 – 147)

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This study investigates the impact of recent language acquisition research on understanding problems in second language academic writing. Proceeding on the findings of Elizabeth Bates and her colleagues and successors, this paper points out the important role of the time-lag between oral and written receptive skills and production skills as much as the sine qua non of input multiplication. Thus, different approaches to writing processes such as Free Writing on one side, and productive imitation on the other, can be understood as indispensable concomitant procedures in teaching German academic writing.
Der folgende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwieweit Erkenntnisse der neurobiologisch orientierten Spracherwerbsforschung dazu beitragen können, Schwierigkeiten von Novizen des Schreibens, insbesondere, wenn sie in einer fremden Sprache Texte zu verfassen haben, besser zu verstehen, und welche didaktischen Konsequenzen daraus gezogen werden müssen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Bedeutung verschiedener Formen freien Schreibens für die Entwicklung der Kompetenz wissenschaftliches Schreiben neu überdacht. Die Überlegungen sind dabei von der praktischen Erfahrung mit Lernenden geleitet, die eine lateinische Muttersprache sprechen.

Reflecting the Practice of Foreign Language Learning in Portfolios.

Gerd Bräuer, Freiburg (pages 148 -166)

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Portfolios as a means of documenting and assessing learning are well-situated in the foreign language classroom. A broad variety of portfolio approaches developed out of the intention of making language learning more visible in order to better guide the learner (pedagogical notion) and evaluate the learning (institutional notion). Nevertheless, the original core idea of the portfolio, to further develop the student’s practice of learning, has hardly become mainstream. This is due to the lack of a theoretical underpinning of the notion of reflective practice applied to portfolios and the accompanying pedagogy. This article will identify the levels of reflective practice and describe the discourses and genres in which the quality of reflective practice can be developed in the context of foreign language education.

Das neue Kreative Schreiben.

Stephan Porombka, Hildesheim (pages 167 -193)

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Das neue Kreative Schreiben folgt einem größeren Paradigmenwechsel. Verabschiedet wird die Fiktion, dass es beim literarischen Schreiben um das Freilegen von Innerem und Eigentlichem geht. Dem neuen Kreativen Schreiben geht es – in Abgrenzung von alten sozial- oder kulturpädagogisch ausgerichteten Programmen zur literarischen Selbsterfahrung oder Freizeitgestaltung – um die Arbeit am Text und damit um die Effekte, die am Text und mit dem Text entstehen, wenn man schreibt. Es geht darum, diese Arbeit nicht als etwas zu verstehen, was man nebenbei betreiben kann. Das literarische Schreiben wird als eine Form von Lebenskunst verstanden, die aufwendig und fortlaufend geübt werden muss und die man durchaus auch professionalisieren kann. Gezeigt wird im vorliegenden Artikel, welchen Status die entsprechenden Übungen und Übungsprogramme haben und wie sie absolviert werden. Schließlich werden die Möglichkeiten vorgestellt, die das neue Kreative Schreiben für den DaF-Unterricht hat.



Duden. Redewendungen. Wörterbuch der deutschen Idiomatik.

(2008) 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. Hrsg. von der Dudenredaktion. Rezensiert von Juha Mulli, Joensuu (pages 194 – 202)

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